
A curated selection of works from a body of work that spans three decades.

Minningar - Memories helps people archive memories of loved ones that have passed away, with storing articles and other memorabilia. Minningar is based on a long tradition in Iceland of writing articles in the local papers when people die. Minningar brings that tradition into the future. This was a collaboration with Hugsmiðjan and, where we wrote the script, produced, directed and edited the piece, along with providing photographs.


A pharmaceutical TV commercial for Restasis MultiDose aimed at battling reduced tear production of patients. This commercial was filmed in Los Angeles, directed by Arni & Kinski and produced by aWhiteLable Product.

Mercedes Benz

A TV commercial for Mercedes Benz, featuring Roger Federer, shot in 2014, when Federer was at the pinnacle of his tennis career. This is one of many Mercedes Benz commercials that Arni & Kinski directed for the New York based ad agency Merkley +Partners. Produced by Wondros in Los Angeles.

(RED) — Rush to zero

The (RED) RUSH TO ZERO campaign was aimed to raise awareness and mobilize resources to end new HIV infections among children. This was a charitable campaign that we directed in London, UK. Produced by aWhiteLabel Product.

Infiniti — Challenger

Infiniti Commercial that we filmed some years ago. It still looks great and it demonstrates different styles and techniques. This spot was filmed in and around Los Angeles California.

Kohl’s — Challenger

A commercial for Kohl’s, which is the biggest department store retail chain in North America. Collaboration with the ad agency  Soft Citizen in 2009.

All videos directed by Arni & Kinski


Introduction & Corporate films